A Japanese class for beginners
This is a Japanese language class for those who are studying Japanese for the first time. An 8 lesson course.
※Please check the top page for the schedule, or to contact our lounge.
Japanese classes for adults
There are Japanese language classes by Japanese volunteers in Midori Ward.
Classrooms are held in our lounge, district centers, care plazas, etc.
■Japanese language classes in Midori Ward
●Japanese Classes at the Midori Lounge
・“Voice Japanese Club” Wednesdays/Thursdays 10:15-11:45
・Asunaro Japanese Circle” Saturdays 10:00-11:30
※For an application or inquiries, please contact each class.
■YOKE/Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges
※Japanese classes in Yokohama

Study Support Classes for Children
There are Study Support Classes for elementary and junior-high school students with roots abroad. There are several classes available, with volunteers, at International Lounge and the District Center. ■Classes in Midori Ward
■横浜市保護者向けリーフレット「安心して入学を迎えるために」 多言語版
学校生活の様子や放課後の過ごし方、入学当初の「スタートカリキュラム」の実際を写真で紹介しています 日本語 ( Japanese ) 版(PDF:1,733KB) やさしい日本語 (Easy Japanese) 版(PDF:7,295KB) 英語 (English ) 版(PDF:7,316KB) 中国語 (中文简体) 版(PDF:7,639KB) タガログ語 (Tagalog) 版(PDF:7,369KB) 韓国・朝鮮語 (한글) 版(PDF:7,575KB) ヴェトナム語 (Tiếng Việt ) 版(PDF:7,399KB) ポルトガル語 (Portuguese) 版(PDF:7,856KB) スペイン語 (Espanol ) 版(PDF:7,342KB)
■Class at Midori International Lounge
・“Study Support Classes Polaris”
Saturdays 13:00-14:45 13:00-14:45
※For an application or inquiries, please contact each class.

Useful Links for Japanese Study
For learning Japanese language and culture.
■Agency for Cultural Affairs
A site with various introducing lessons on how to interact in Japanese.
A Japanese study website by NHK.

Palm View Building 5th and 6th floor,
1-6-15 Nakayama, Midori-ku, Yokohama
Open Hours 9:30-18:00
(Wednesday 9:30-21:00)
Closed on Sunday and New Year holidays
(December 29-January 3)
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